Get vaccinated, you doofuses

By Anonymous - 28/09/2021 08:00 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend came into town for the weekend. A proof of vaccination card to enter non-essential businesses also started. My dear boyfriend refuses to sign up for the card. Guess our nights out will be grocery shopping and him waiting outside while I shop anywhere else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 926
You deserved it 375

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This post is much better! Half a brain sounds about right. That would be an IQ of around 50, I guess.

Marcella1016 31

Emily - you’re right. It SHOULDNT be a political issue. Somehow it became one - thanks to right-wing commentators stirring anger and fear (yes, fear) into the people who listen to their propaganda. Yes, propaganda. It became a political issue when people refused to get vaccinated AND refused to wear masks. Spouting some bullshit about control. Wearing a seatbelt can be uncomfortable, but is anyone stepping on your rights or whatever if you get a ticket? The thing with masking is it helps keep other people from getting the disease. Like driving drunk. Your body your choice, right? But you’re putting not only yourself but OTHER people in danger, which is why there are LAWS around it. Do you bitch about that too? No because fox and friends haven’t told you to, I’m sure. Here is what is going on. Donald Trump is a dick who refused to wear a mask. All his loyal sheep followed the big tough guy with big balls who led them in the best way to thump their chest and prove how tough they are. He doubled down with uninformed bullshit, ignoring experts who have studied infectious diseases their whole lives and going with his “why don’t we inject people with bleach or sunlight?” gut instincts. And the whole ******* flock is following him off the cliff to their deaths, doubling down the whole way as they literally watch each other falling off the cliffs. Here is the problem. There are immune compromised people who are dying because of you. You don’t want to get vaccinated, at least put on a ******* mask. You wear clothes in public, don’t you? If you took off your pants and swirled your dick around like a helicopter in the middle of a supermarket, would it be infringing on your rights to make you put on pants? In that case, no one is even hurt - just offended or amused. Not wearing a mask keeps this ******* pandemic going on and on and on. My mom was just diagnosed with cancer and got her first round of chemo. Thank GOD my siblings and I convinced her to get vaccinated because she had been listening to her religious sisters and refusing it. She has 3 rounds of chemo left, during which her immune system will be absolutely destroyed. The vaccine does offer protection - about 95% at full vaccination. This means there is a 95% chance you won’t catch the virus. What else does this mean? Yes, 5% of vaccinated people still will catch it. 1 in 20. That’s it. You can still get it, but your chances are SLIM. Out of those, maybe 3% end up hospitalized or in the ICU. And an even smaller amount of vaccinated people die. Yes, the vaccine works, but it is not some silver bullet that will magically protect you 100% no matter what. But guess what? You know that the majority of people in ICUs are unvaccinated COVID patients? If the vaccine didn’t work, wouldn’t there be the same amount of vaccinated people in the ICUs? Do some basic ******* research, and watching taking heads on Fox or Oann or stupid-ass tiktok “experts” DOES. NOT. *******. COUNT. Again, some people do get sick and die even though they’re vaccinated - just not nearly as many as without the vaccine. But you know who does? The elderly. People who are immune compromised. People with comorbidities like high blood pressure. And now we’re seeing deaths among the unvaccinated in healthy young people and even kids. And guess what else? All these unvaccinated people catching COVID are taking up ICU beds and other people are dying because they cannot get access to life-saving but routine surgeries and medical help. YOU. ARE. KILLING. PEOPLE. Back to my mom and why this is so personal for me. My mom is not that old - 69 - and I’d love for her to beat this and live another couple of decades. People like you not masking and refusing the vaccine make me ******* sick. It is the most selfish ****** up thing you can do. Not just my mom, but millions of other people who are at risk, getting sick and dying. ******* kids and little babies who can’t be vaccinated. Average people with weak immune systems who otherwise live ordinary lives. These people suffer and die alone on ventilators because of you. How the **** is this even a political issue? It is GLOBAL, you narcissistic ****. It’s not about Biden. It’s not about libs taking your rights or whatever paranoid delusions you harbor. Just shut the **** up, put on a mask, and get a ******* shot. You know, like all the other ******* vaccines and boosters you’ve gotten in your life, safer than the ivermectin you’ve probably been chugging, and much more effective at preventing the virus than the experimental monoclonal antibodies I’m sure you would not hesitate to take as soon as you end up hospitalized with COVID, you ******* hypocrite. Look I’m really really sorry this turned into a rant, but I am ******* angry. Angry at the stupidity, willful ignorance, and rampant manipulation so many millions of people are allowing themselves to fall victim to. And I care about my ******* mother. **** all you antivax people. Get the shot or wear a mask and shut the **** up.


Dump him. You don't want to procreate with a right-wing moron anyways. Those assholes extended the pandemic and we need fewer of them, not more.

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Marcella1016 31

Emily - you’re right. It SHOULDNT be a political issue. Somehow it became one - thanks to right-wing commentators stirring anger and fear (yes, fear) into the people who listen to their propaganda. Yes, propaganda. It became a political issue when people refused to get vaccinated AND refused to wear masks. Spouting some bullshit about control. Wearing a seatbelt can be uncomfortable, but is anyone stepping on your rights or whatever if you get a ticket? The thing with masking is it helps keep other people from getting the disease. Like driving drunk. Your body your choice, right? But you’re putting not only yourself but OTHER people in danger, which is why there are LAWS around it. Do you bitch about that too? No because fox and friends haven’t told you to, I’m sure. Here is what is going on. Donald Trump is a dick who refused to wear a mask. All his loyal sheep followed the big tough guy with big balls who led them in the best way to thump their chest and prove how tough they are. He doubled down with uninformed bullshit, ignoring experts who have studied infectious diseases their whole lives and going with his “why don’t we inject people with bleach or sunlight?” gut instincts. And the whole ******* flock is following him off the cliff to their deaths, doubling down the whole way as they literally watch each other falling off the cliffs. Here is the problem. There are immune compromised people who are dying because of you. You don’t want to get vaccinated, at least put on a ******* mask. You wear clothes in public, don’t you? If you took off your pants and swirled your dick around like a helicopter in the middle of a supermarket, would it be infringing on your rights to make you put on pants? In that case, no one is even hurt - just offended or amused. Not wearing a mask keeps this ******* pandemic going on and on and on. My mom was just diagnosed with cancer and got her first round of chemo. Thank GOD my siblings and I convinced her to get vaccinated because she had been listening to her religious sisters and refusing it. She has 3 rounds of chemo left, during which her immune system will be absolutely destroyed. The vaccine does offer protection - about 95% at full vaccination. This means there is a 95% chance you won’t catch the virus. What else does this mean? Yes, 5% of vaccinated people still will catch it. 1 in 20. That’s it. You can still get it, but your chances are SLIM. Out of those, maybe 3% end up hospitalized or in the ICU. And an even smaller amount of vaccinated people die. Yes, the vaccine works, but it is not some silver bullet that will magically protect you 100% no matter what. But guess what? You know that the majority of people in ICUs are unvaccinated COVID patients? If the vaccine didn’t work, wouldn’t there be the same amount of vaccinated people in the ICUs? Do some basic ******* research, and watching taking heads on Fox or Oann or stupid-ass tiktok “experts” DOES. NOT. *******. COUNT. Again, some people do get sick and die even though they’re vaccinated - just not nearly as many as without the vaccine. But you know who does? The elderly. People who are immune compromised. People with comorbidities like high blood pressure. And now we’re seeing deaths among the unvaccinated in healthy young people and even kids. And guess what else? All these unvaccinated people catching COVID are taking up ICU beds and other people are dying because they cannot get access to life-saving but routine surgeries and medical help. YOU. ARE. KILLING. PEOPLE. Back to my mom and why this is so personal for me. My mom is not that old - 69 - and I’d love for her to beat this and live another couple of decades. People like you not masking and refusing the vaccine make me ******* sick. It is the most selfish ****** up thing you can do. Not just my mom, but millions of other people who are at risk, getting sick and dying. ******* kids and little babies who can’t be vaccinated. Average people with weak immune systems who otherwise live ordinary lives. These people suffer and die alone on ventilators because of you. How the **** is this even a political issue? It is GLOBAL, you narcissistic ****. It’s not about Biden. It’s not about libs taking your rights or whatever paranoid delusions you harbor. Just shut the **** up, put on a mask, and get a ******* shot. You know, like all the other ******* vaccines and boosters you’ve gotten in your life, safer than the ivermectin you’ve probably been chugging, and much more effective at preventing the virus than the experimental monoclonal antibodies I’m sure you would not hesitate to take as soon as you end up hospitalized with COVID, you ******* hypocrite. Look I’m really really sorry this turned into a rant, but I am ******* angry. Angry at the stupidity, willful ignorance, and rampant manipulation so many millions of people are allowing themselves to fall victim to. And I care about my ******* mother. **** all you antivax people. Get the shot or wear a mask and shut the **** up.

Jon Tessler 14

prayers for your mom as she beats Cancers ass.

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This post is much better! Half a brain sounds about right. That would be an IQ of around 50, I guess.

Marcella1016 31

Posted this as a reply to another comment but I really need all you antivaxxers to see it. You probably won’t because it’s not in the form of some angry right-wing commentator yelling at you, but hopefully it’ll get through to at least one person. You’re right. It SHOULDNT be a political issue. Somehow it became one - thanks to right-wing commentators stirring anger and fear (yes, fear) into the people who listen to their propaganda. Yes, propaganda. It became a political issue when people refused to get vaccinated AND refused to wear masks. Spouting some bullshit about control. Wearing a seatbelt can be uncomfortable, but is anyone stepping on your rights or whatever if you get a ticket? The thing with masking is it helps keep other people from getting the disease. Like driving drunk. Your body your choice, right? But you’re putting not only yourself but OTHER people in danger, which is why there are LAWS around it. Do you bitch about that too? No because fox and friends haven’t told you to, I’m sure. Here is what is going on. Donald Trump is a dick who refused to wear a mask. All his loyal sheep followed the big tough guy with big balls who led them in the best way to thump their chest and prove how tough they are. He doubled down with uninformed bullshit, ignoring experts who have studied infectious diseases their whole lives and going with his “why don’t we inject people with bleach or sunlight?” gut instincts. And the whole ******* flock is following him off the cliff to their deaths, doubling down the whole way as they literally watch each other falling off the cliffs. Here is the problem. There are immune compromised people who are dying because of you. You don’t want to get vaccinated, at least put on a ******* mask. You wear clothes in public, don’t you? If you took off your pants and swirled your dick around like a helicopter in the middle of a supermarket, would it be infringing on your rights to make you put on pants? In that case, no one is even hurt - just offended or amused. Not wearing a mask keeps this ******* pandemic going on and on and on. My mom was just diagnosed with cancer and got her first round of chemo. Thank GOD my siblings and I convinced her to get vaccinated because she had been listening to her religious sisters and refusing it. She has 3 rounds of chemo left, during which her immune system will be absolutely destroyed. The vaccine does offer protection - about 95% at full vaccination. This means there is a 95% chance you won’t catch the virus. What else does this mean? Yes, 5% of vaccinated people still will catch it. 1 in 20. That’s it. You can still get it, but your chances are SLIM. Out of those, maybe 3% end up hospitalized or in the ICU. And an even smaller amount of vaccinated people die. Yes, the vaccine works, but it is not some silver bullet that will magically protect you 100% no matter what. But guess what? You know that the majority of people in ICUs are unvaccinated COVID patients? If the vaccine didn’t work, wouldn’t there be the same amount of vaccinated people in the ICUs? Do some basic ******* research, and watching taking heads on Fox or Oann or stupid-ass tiktok “experts” DOES. NOT. *******. COUNT. Again, some people do get sick and die even though they’re vaccinated - just not nearly as many as without the vaccine. But you know who does? The elderly. People who are immune compromised. People with comorbidities like high blood pressure. And now we’re seeing deaths among the unvaccinated in healthy young people and even kids. And guess what else? All these unvaccinated people catching COVID are taking up ICU beds and other people are dying because they cannot get access to life-saving but routine surgeries and medical help. YOU. ARE. KILLING. PEOPLE. Back to my mom and why this is so personal for me. My mom is not that old - 69 - and I’d love for her to beat this and live another couple of decades. People like you not masking and refusing the vaccine make me ******* sick. It is the most selfish ****** up thing you can do. Not just my mom, but millions of other people who are at risk, getting sick and dying. ******* kids and little babies who can’t be vaccinated. Average people with weak immune systems who otherwise live ordinary lives. These people suffer and die alone on ventilators because of you. How the **** is this even a political issue? It is GLOBAL, you narcissistic ****. It’s not about Biden. It’s not about libs taking your rights or whatever paranoid delusions you harbor. Just shut the **** up, put on a mask, and get a ******* shot. You know, like all the other ******* vaccines and boosters you’ve gotten in your life, safer than the ivermectin you’ve probably been chugging, and much more effective at preventing the virus than the experimental monoclonal antibodies I’m sure you would not hesitate to take as soon as you end up hospitalized with COVID, you ******* hypocrite. Look I’m really really sorry this turned into a rant, but I am ******* angry. Angry at the stupidity, willful ignorance, and rampant manipulation so many millions of people are allowing themselves to fall victim to. And I care about my ******* mother. **** all you antivax people. Get the shot or wear a mask and shut the **** up.

Jon Tessler 14

prayers to your mom as she kicks Cancers ass.(yeah I know I posted on the other one you wrote, but this is so you see it)

Vesi 29

This!! SO MUCH THIS!! Thank you. Rage on because man, so MANY of us are tired of this because of the anti masters/vaxxers.

Thanks Marcella, you said it better than I ever could. Now, for the rest of the antivax "mah freedoms" crowd, you're not welcome on FML. Go claim your Herman Cain Award.

DanielaThePialinist 1

THIS!!!! ALL OF THIS!!!!! That was WAY better than I could have ever put it.

Marcella1016 31

Thanks for the well-wishes about my mom and the (overall) positive feedback, guys (sorry I can’t reply directly on app). I did see some other responses that got deleted and wanted to address them* - Essentially: 1 - “I don’t give a shit about your mom and have no moral or ethical obligation to do anything to my body” 2 - “Trump is actually vaccinated, you idiot” 3 - Something something government control (paraphrase) — Regarding 2 - *Whoosh* - Looks like my Trump references went over some people’s heads. Way to miss the entire point. It was in reference to how this became political. The left did not make this political. In fact, the left is overwhelmingly vaccinated, masking, and trying to fix this. Trump started the bandwagon of not masking and downplaying the virus. That was my point. People have just taken that “freedom” ball and run with it and it looks like there’s no turning back for many of them. Funnily enough, yes, Trump and a lot of right-wing leaders and political commentators are now vaccinated. Even Fox has a vaccine mandate for their employees lol. It’s the hypocrisy again about “owning the libs” or whatever. It’s their whole platform of discrediting the libs without having an actual platform themselves. And it worked in their favor when the virus was first decimating big liberal cities, but now that it’s hitting red states, all the people who bought into the original right-wing media frenzy are too far gone to see reason. Even Trump got booed when he backtracked and suggested the vaccine, then he immediately backtracked again. No one wants this shit to be political. But look at how it started, and look where we are now. This movement or whatever you want to call it has really become a runaway train, and (many of) our leaders are desperately trying to stop it - you know, because of the deaths, suffering, overwhelmed hospital systems, etc. Nothing to see here, just trying to handle a national health crisis while fighting an uphill battle against swarms of people who will cut off their nose to spite their own face. — Regarding 3 (Government control) - This goes back to the masking, which was a big part of my original post. If everyone at the very least ***just wore masks*** I don’t think it would have gotten to the point of a vaccine mandate. Do you walk into 7-11 and hulk out at the “No shirt no shoes no service” sign because they’re taking away your rights? The anti-mask thing is ridiculous posturing, and it keeps the disease spreading. For...what, really? Really, why is masking suddenly so hard when basically everyone was doing it at the beginning of the pandemic before Trump convinced them not to? Meanwhile, ironically, governors in places like Florida and Texas are actually BANNING schools and businesses from attempting to stop the spread with simple masking. How is that not government overreach? How would you feel if they banned schools and restaurants from requiring food service employees to wear gloves? It’s to protect others from germs and bacteria, but man it kind of sucks because it dries out your hands a little. Actually wait, how do you feel about the actual U.S. mandate that all males must register for the Selective Service between the ages of 18 and 25? The government is literally forcing you to register for potential military conscription. Are you ok with those measures for national security, but not other measures for public safety? Why is one thing patriotic, but the other not patriotic? As far as public safety, vaccinations for jobs and schools are nothing new. Public health professionals must get flu shots and a bunch of other vaccines. And military people? They get jabbed with so much shit they don’t even know right when they sign up, and they continue to get boosters over and over any time they transfer. People are digging the line in the sand with the COVID vaccine, and it does not make sense because - A - It is not experimental - it’s based on the SARS vaccine that was developed a decade ago. B - I was vaccine hesitant also because it was “too new” when it first came out, but I saw millions of people had gotten the dose before my turn came, and I read up on the statistics about how it affected them compared to how COVID affects you, and I happily went and got my jabs when I was able. It’s unfortunate that it’s now a stubborn “don’t tell me what to do” thing rather than a common sense thing. I for one grew out of that mentality in high school. C - For those saying this vaccine “isn’t even approved” - the Pfizer vaccine has now gotten *full* authorization from the FDA - not just emergency authorization. D - Oh, do you now also have a problem with pharmaceutical companies profiting off the vaccines? Welp. That’s how a capitalist society works. And they profit a million times more when you’re in the hospital paying ridiculous markups for drugs that actually fit the definition of experimental lol. Enjoy those hospital bills that will bankrupt you if you survive, or your family if you die. And E - the government mandate doesn’t cover everyone. Just federal employees and employees of companies larger than a certain size. F (you) - Don’t like it? Find another job. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. In America, you can do anything with grit and temerity, and if you don’t take work anywhere you can get it, it’s your fault, right? Right? (*For those who inevitably won’t get this - those are typical right-wing talking points. Practice what you preach, tough guys.) — And finally, #1 (**** my mom) - Thank you for that comment. Really. Not your problem, no moral obligation, you don’t care about anyone beyond who you personally know or yourself. Just wow. This is a now-common American mindset, and it is tearing us apart. What happened to unity? What is patriotism if not supporting your fellow countrymen and women and children? How the hell did we get to this point? Why do so many people only understand the sense of taking basic precautionary steps after they see this virus torture or kill someone they know? When did empathy die? When did basic human decency die? Please guys just think about trying to do the right thing. For the love of God. For the sake of humanity. For the sake of getting back to normal. Damn. *FML mods - sorry I know you don’t like political back and forths, and I’m responding to comments you deleted. Just wanted to say these last things, and try to do it in a more civil way than my first post. Feels like shouting in the wind, but I just had to respond one more time to hit these people’s counterpoints. Really hope people start to see what’s really going on and make some minimum-effort changes. Maybe I’ll just get a Reddit account (loved the Herman Cain Award Reference!) so I won’t have so much frustration to vent here lol.

Nah, no problem Marcella. We just don't like some people spreading misinformation and lies (oh and TERFs can **** off as well). I got told to "enjoy my echo chamber" so I must be doing something right. Keep fighting the good fight!