Good morals, you say?

By ELinDawk - 31/08/2021 01:01

Today, I think I found the person I feel is my soulmate while I was in Montana this past weekend. My friend’s wife’s best friend. She was perfect, same sense of humor, same sarcasm, good morals, and absolutely gorgeous. I was struck. And then I received a text message from my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 439
You deserved it 2 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slkeithh 14

Look, I get it. We don't always marry someone for the right reasons. But we also need to realize if what we are feeling about someone else is just impulsive and dumb vs what is truly strong and long lasting. I advise doing some soul searching and starting some open communication with your wife about what you feel is lacking. If it turns out you aren't made for each other, fine, all the better. But don't disrespect the woman who has been with you for however long just because you can't figure out what you want.

People like you are honestly selfish jerks that deserve lifetime sentence of single


Hey, Plop, can you start singing "Jolene" again? Good morals, eh? Stealing another woman's husband? Sounds like a keeper! (I read this first on my iPhone where the app doesn't show the titles.)

Sorry, I only sing the Pokemon theme song and country music. Don't ask why. And maybe OP should just offer his dream girl to have a quickie in the toilets. If her morals are as good as he says, I'm sure she'll agree to it.

People like you are honestly selfish jerks that deserve lifetime sentence of single

Didn’t Alanis Morissette make that song?

Yeah, but she don't know shit about irony! It's not unexpected that a man of your dreams would have a beautiful wife. I wrote to Alanis and told her it should be "mean, ugly wife." That would be "Ironic!"

Major Ahull 3

It's like meeting the woman of my dreams, and meeting her asshole husband. Or 10 thousand spoons when all you need is a knife to stab him.

slkeithh 14

Look, I get it. We don't always marry someone for the right reasons. But we also need to realize if what we are feeling about someone else is just impulsive and dumb vs what is truly strong and long lasting. I advise doing some soul searching and starting some open communication with your wife about what you feel is lacking. If it turns out you aren't made for each other, fine, all the better. But don't disrespect the woman who has been with you for however long just because you can't figure out what you want.

And you realized you had already find your soulmate?

her good morals deserve someone with good morals. sorry bud

you spent one weekend with a women in a "happy" event setting and you think dhed your soulmate. honestly your wife totally deserves better.