Goof friends

By Headshotsgal - 22/04/2023 22:00

Today, I uploaded what I thought were beautiful selfies. One of my "friends" commented, "I've seen what your whole body looks like, so that's why you take only headshots. You're not fooling anybody, fatty." His comment got 18 likes. I took down the photos and spent the rest of my afternoon in tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 245
You deserved it 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments OP, you're beautiful on the inside and out. Do please block that person and go forward. **** other people's rude opinions. Maybe the prick knows a lot about "headshots" since he mentioned it first. You should hit the gym and train in a strike related martial art where you give a different type of headshot to big mouth keyboard warriors 💪

Unfriend and block the jerk. Change your privacy options so that only friends can comment on your posts. That will greatly reduce the comments from A-holes… Very, very few of us are model-beautiful. Some people have a pretty face, some people have a pretty body but not so great a face. Nobody intentionally posts unflattering pictures of themselves. If there are no recent photos or just headshots, you know that it’s probably someone who is not happy with their body image. But, jerks who would comment negatively about that are likely just losers with their own looks problems or personality issues who try to make themselves feel better by insulting others… Life is not about who has the longest “friends list” - It is about enjoying what you have and making use of the opportunities and talents you have. Always make the best of the hand you were dealt.

Comments OP, you're beautiful on the inside and out. Do please block that person and go forward. **** other people's rude opinions. Maybe the prick knows a lot about "headshots" since he mentioned it first. You should hit the gym and train in a strike related martial art where you give a different type of headshot to big mouth keyboard warriors 💪

Unfriend and block the jerk. Change your privacy options so that only friends can comment on your posts. That will greatly reduce the comments from A-holes… Very, very few of us are model-beautiful. Some people have a pretty face, some people have a pretty body but not so great a face. Nobody intentionally posts unflattering pictures of themselves. If there are no recent photos or just headshots, you know that it’s probably someone who is not happy with their body image. But, jerks who would comment negatively about that are likely just losers with their own looks problems or personality issues who try to make themselves feel better by insulting others… Life is not about who has the longest “friends list” - It is about enjoying what you have and making use of the opportunities and talents you have. Always make the best of the hand you were dealt.

that's 19 people you need to block. they aren't your tribe. there are real friends out there waiting for you

Time for a full-body photoshoot! That'll teach them!

What a ********! There's nowt wrong with being fat, and I'm tired of people like those 19 dicks pretending otherwise!