
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Portland

Today, I finally scored a goal in a soccer game. Too bad it was in our own net. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 942
You deserved it 38 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I made my first basket it was in the other teams basket. I was so embarrassed I cried. The refs gave them a point for it. That was the one point they beat us by...

Heads up OP. A goal is a goal! While you sit on the bench for the next few games you can see how it should be done. Just tell your coach you were trying to confuse the other team by working your way from the back up. Good luck.


A misplaced pass back, unfortunate deflection, sliced clearance. It's surprisingly easy just search Enkleman, Traore, Piqué all scored some bad own goals.

RedPillSucks 31

It's very easy to score an own goal. Especially if you're a defender in a tight bunch of people trying to clear the ball.

Hey it happens so dont worry about it there are other games its not the end of the world

You could always claim you were doing a quality assurance test on your goal keeper, but sadly he failed.

I've always wondered how people manage to do that, bad luck OP! Better luck next time!

seniorchang 16

You're not the first guy to score on his buddy. It's very natural to experiment. It doesn't mean you play for the opposite team......

As a defense player in soccer for 12 years, I definitely feel for you. Fyl

JokerJim2013 14


You can get shot for that in other countries.

Martinez0285 28

They cant all be winners... but hey.. You made a goal!