
By gotanewmouse - 26/09/2011 10:37 - New Zealand

Today, I saw my co-worker sneeze into his palm, get up, walk to my desk and smear his hand all over my computer mouse. He then went back to his desk and continued with his work. Last week we had a workplace awareness meeting about my OCD and fear of germs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 000
You deserved it 6 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llamassss 21
Olovio 5

Spray hand sanitizer in his eyes!


If your OCD is so bad that everyone had to have a meeting just to discuss your special needs, yeah, you deserved it. That's what you get for being so 'special'.

Grow a set and file a complaint you nutless wonder.

justbigbs 6

did you catch it on your cell phone, unless you have old cell phone. otherwise use his mouse as your toilet paper.

Oh my god, that's awful!!! I have OCD, too, and I feel your pain. Also, for those of you saying that he deserves it because he's special: go **** a landmine.

jaia_pirrie 4

in this scenario, sharing is NOT caring. yuck.

Spottedfeather 7
taper_jean_girl 0

ew. punch him in the face.. with gloves on

SupahAsian 4

Time to call the hazmat team.

and you didn't say anything? then you deserved it!