Guilt trip

By annoyed - 11/05/2016 11:40 - Netherlands - Maastricht

Today, I sent my boyfriend a sweet text message, since he recently complained that I'm rarely romantic. Instead of being happy, he decided that since it's so out of character for me, I must be cheating on him and must have only sent it out of guilt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 035
You deserved it 1 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justcommenting19 19

While dumping may not be a good choice to run to right away, I do think you should have a serious talk with him, OP. Tell him that you took his words to heart and tried to make an effort to change. If he doesn't apologize after that then you've got problems. But honestly, sitting him down and talking it through should help significantly.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Talk it out OP, he's probably just insecure.


That's a little extreme... This is something that can be easily explained, so no need to dump the bf immediately...

Not every guy is immediately at fault for finding something suspicious or having an issue with their girlfriend. They should talk it out, because he doesn't deserved to get dumped over that of all things.

justcommenting19 19

While dumping may not be a good choice to run to right away, I do think you should have a serious talk with him, OP. Tell him that you took his words to heart and tried to make an effort to change. If he doesn't apologize after that then you've got problems. But honestly, sitting him down and talking it through should help significantly.

Why would he be so quick to think that? Did you even explain?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Talk it out OP, he's probably just insecure.

He sounds like a guy just looking for a reason to find fault.

Just teach the boy how you communicate your affection for him. He clearly likes words of affirmation which he stated.. Tell him your "love language" style.

pandainspandex 19

This is a huge red flag. I'm not saying you should dump him ASAP, but tread carefully.

Every guy must do that. My ex seriously did that all the time and I was never not romantic ?

Or the insecure due to past relations.