Happy meal

By ollierocks96 - 17/12/2009 21:43 - United States

Today, I was eating lunch outside with my friends, when a spider fell on one guy's back. I glanced at it and opened my mouth to warn him when another guy flicked it and it went into my mouth. I can still taste it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 551
You deserved it 3 023

Same thing different taste


alwaysalady 0

OH MY GOD. I totally saw a spider on the ceiling today and my husband, instead of just killing it, chased it into the vent. Now its wandering loose in the air shafts. I hypervenhilated for 10 minutes and he laughed at me and said that it will lay eggs in my mouth and bit me in the ear. Divorce? Possible. God, I hate spiders. I 'm surprised you were so calm. I would have DIED.

WOOOOWWW, overreaction much? Hyperventilating after a harmless (yes it is!) spider gets into your AIR VENTS? Jesus Christ.

guckylynn 19

actually yeah it is cold everywhere in America

"Hi I'm a stupid little American and I don't know shit about geography"

Considering the OP is in Florida... you'd have to be a real idiot to think it's cold there. Or are you laughing about the fact that there is more than USA in America? ;)

Ewwww!! I hat spiders with a passion! yuck

lol I'd ever there was a moment i wish I'd been there to witness...

It's been warm a few days this week in northeast USA.

really how long did you keep your mouth open. YDI for keeping it open to long should have just said oh look theres a spider on your back.its not like it was a spider attack where you see millions of them

hm, you really missed the most important info: what was the taste like? :)