Having multiple jobs may have its benefits

By Scoudrel - 26/02/2021 17:01

Today, I flirted with the cashier at the local bagel joint. I complimented her unique blue hair and got her number. Later on that evening, she served my girlfriend and me our food at a different restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 278
You deserved it 6 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OrySoma 11

ya know maybe dont be a scum bag

A unique hair color might be a sign that she is down for whatever. I hope she is bi and joins you and your girlfriend for a threesome. Then they both dump you at the climax, and you can enjoy your unique blue balls. You totally would deserve it.


A unique hair color might be a sign that she is down for whatever. I hope she is bi and joins you and your girlfriend for a threesome. Then they both dump you at the climax, and you can enjoy your unique blue balls. You totally would deserve it.

OrySoma 11

thats assuming he could even man up and get them both to climax unlikely

giraffe_poop 8

both of these answers 😆😆😆

Why the hell are you getting someone's number, when you have a gf? I hope she finds out and dumps you YDI

If I was your waitress I'd flirt with you and say OMG my morning job where are we going on our date? Is this your sister!"

OrySoma 11

ya know maybe dont be a scum bag

The_Cat_Scientist 7

Might as well toss that number in the trash, because now SHE has YOUR number.

tounces7 27

You're not a "Scoundrel", you're scourge to humanity. You're basically the reason people(women in your case) learn to distrust others in relationships. I honestly hope the heavens send a meteorite straight down at your head.

I hope she served you the Blue Waffle. Do not search the internet for that one.

In the words of John Lennon "instant karma"

No sympathy for you, devil. You can just **** off.