Help! I need somebody!

By Anonymous - 11/07/2023 22:00

Today, I woke up to realize I got my period a week early. The day of the after-wedding brunch. In a sort of remote area. Without pads or tampons. I need to be at the breakfast in a half-hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 775
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lalalaila777 24

hopefully someone had something you could use! I've on numerous occasions used many many sheets of toilet paper folded many times to create something usable, hope you enjoyed yourself!

Nikki 17

Not many women I know would go away without backup tampons just incase, you’ll be able to ask almost any female for one


lalalaila777 24

hopefully someone had something you could use! I've on numerous occasions used many many sheets of toilet paper folded many times to create something usable, hope you enjoyed yourself!

Nikki 17

Not many women I know would go away without backup tampons just incase, you’ll be able to ask almost any female for one

What the heck is an after-wedding brunch, and why does the family keep brunching together when the bride and groom are gone for their honeymoon?

Some weddings last for couple of days so if guests stayed for overnight it is only logical to have brunch together. Bride and groom can go to their honemoon tomorrow or next week or even never.