Hey Deborah, check these out

By Gabby - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my friend and I were playing Oregon Trail online. I googled "dysentery", and sent her an IM about the mind-blowing number of cartoons of people violently shitting everywhere. I accidentally sent it to my aunt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 513
You deserved it 23 874

Top comments


Everytime an FML involves fecal matter, nearly every comment is a 'shit' pun. Thank you for at least making an 'asshole' pun.

unoffensivename 0

Op you deserved it for two reasons, 1 everyone deserves to play oregon trail, it's awesome,and 2 for looking at stuff like that

Holy shit just stop overusing stupid puns

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9
lebronesque73091 12

Am i the only one who does not know what Oregon trail is ?

39-Coming from the person with the stupid pun picture. Just saying.

MerrikBarbarian 9

54- probably... Which tells me you are either over 50 or a kid and probably too young to be on fml. Either way, there is this funny thing called google- use it.

#65 or i actually have a life and dont waste my time playing childish games.

I don't know what it is and my phone is incredibly slow, so it's hard to google things.

#54 you dont need to get all defensive its just that most kids at some point play Oregon trail. Oh and just because we know what Oregon trail is doesn't mean we dont have a life too. Most people were forced to play at school when we were learning about the westward expansion, or at least i was....

Naomimi_fml 6

I'm still waiting for all the "shitty situation" comments

Waiting for those comments is a shitty situation.

Morgannnnuhhh 1

Hahaha, I bet your aunt had a heart attack.. My aunt freaks out on me if I accendently burp in front of her.

I don't know why but I went to go Google it...

I have to now that it was mentioned. Damn it...

JustDerpin 11

Why would you even send something like that to anyone?

kittenvks 11

And somehow I agree with both of you...