Humblebragging much?

By Anonymous - 26/11/2023 16:00 - Sweden - Lidingoe

Today, I realized I have rejected at least five marriage offers and about the same number of women who've wanted to have my children. I have never been into kids or marriage, but all my girlfriends and some FWBs turn into marriage and kid crazy wannabe housewives after a while. FML
I agree, your life sucks 196
You deserved it 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dragonladiesfire 19

It is a biological drive for women to want to settle down and have kids... regardless, if you're not wanting that life, then perhaps you should find women that can't have kids or women that wouldn't want to settle down with you.

illbethejudge 2

Ignore the assholes who tell you it’s only natural to want to have kids. If you’re clear at the start of a relationship that you don’t want kids, then that is on them for thinking you are just going to change your mind. Don’t give into the pressure just bc that’s what society thinks you have to do, otherwise you’ll just be miserable.


dragonladiesfire 19

It is a biological drive for women to want to settle down and have kids... regardless, if you're not wanting that life, then perhaps you should find women that can't have kids or women that wouldn't want to settle down with you.

illbethejudge 2

Ignore the assholes who tell you it’s only natural to want to have kids. If you’re clear at the start of a relationship that you don’t want kids, then that is on them for thinking you are just going to change your mind. Don’t give into the pressure just bc that’s what society thinks you have to do, otherwise you’ll just be miserable.