
By A.. - 04/06/2011 19:48 - Canada

Today, I received a phone call at work about an emergency, and that I had to come home immediately. I arrived to find that no one had been hurt and the house hadn't burned down. The "emergency" was my mom had ran out of milk and cigarettes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 937
You deserved it 3 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JacksonCampbell 9

Unless your mother is infirm, I'd say the emergency is that she's a lazy and entitled old bat.


DearLar 0

**** that is an emergency !

No... way... really??? Thank goodness for you! No one would have ever known, if only there was some kind of warning... whoa, what the hell is that on the side of my cigarette pack? A surgeon generals warning? May cause health complications... holy shit...

I hope you kicked her ass, not litterally of course

RockstarRN 10

She got you there didn't she!

bearley54 0

why not confirming what's the problem, then go back? you must be sensitive.:-S

At least she could save a important thing: the cigarettes

Come on after a burned house everybody deserves smoke a cigarrete

just getting you prepared for a happy marriage...

To his mom? Hmm... you must be the guy who locked lips with his family.

Soooooo you've watched drop dead gorgeous too?? This is totally from that movie

that's exactly what I said & all these ppl are falling for it