I can't win

By Benjamin - 20/05/2022 00:00

Today, if I try to hurry my wife out of the house before she's ready, she yells at me and we end up not going out, and yet if I leave her to get ready for as long as she needs we are ALWAYS late for our reservation, so we lose the table and she yells at me for not telling her how late we are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 459
You deserved it 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to the restaurant by yourself, and if she catches up, she can eat. If not, she can starve and sleep on the couch!

tell her it's for an hour before it really is


tell her it's for an hour before it really is

She'd probably yell at him for being patronizing when she found out.

Go to the restaurant by yourself, and if she catches up, she can eat. If not, she can starve and sleep on the couch!

Tell her what the time is without nagging. If she shouts at you for not pushing her to be faster, don't put up with that crap. Remind her that she's an adult now and you did remind her, if she can't be ready on time that's her error, not yours and you aren't going to accept the blame.

wrenavery90 12

So make the reservation for 45 minutes later than you tell her it is.

Came here to say just this. This is how it needs to be.

IantoJones_fml 28

I had a similar issue with a dear friend. Sometime when you are NOT going anywhere, gird yourself and bring this us calmly and without any attack. Explain that you are between a rock and a hard place, and possibly say exactly what you say here. Communication is the only answer.

Bubbles_the_klutz 9

the best fix here is to just not tell her the actual time of the reservation, or put a large clock wherever she usually gets ready at

kitten79TX 5

Stop being a pussy and put your foot down. Make the reservation. Tell her what time it's for and tell her if she's not ready go by x time that you'll just go without her. Then go. Or... make the resevation for later, but tell your wife an earlier time. so, make it for 7pm, but tell her it's for 6. Your wife is extremely disrespectful. Teach her this lesson, or live with it. You've allowed this behavior for so long that she thinks it's acceptable.

Tell her the time without hurrying her.

Grumpy Jack 26

Best way would be like everybody says : Tell her what time it is and what time you need to be somewhere at and that if she's not ready, you'll go without her. Just say it once but make sure she heard it. Now, my way would be : "Get your fat ass in gear, ol' bitch or I'm gunna call Emily (or any other hot girl you know your wife might be jealous of) to join me out, tonight !"