I'd like to thank…

By Jessey - 18/06/2009 13:05 - United Kingdom

Today, we were having a school prize giving. I heard my name called and I walked up to the stage waving and smiling, feeling rather proud of myself. I stood by the microphone and started my acceptance speech, only to be tapped on the shoulder by the girl they'd actually called up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 800
You deserved it 47 902

Same thing different taste

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Acceptance speech for a school prize giving? it's not an Oscar.


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easylazy 0

omg that's hilarious!! (Even though it's probably copied from like 20 different movies)

lol thats such a cliche sucky thing to happen

pingpongpickle 8

oh please, u can laugh that off. the waving and smiling is what makes you look really retarded. fyl op

saraitkddh 47

I can feel the awkwardness of the moment!

brrrx 0

Hahahaha, who else is reminded of Zoolander?

i was gonna say that!! cure you fiend! :( haha

lor080 0

Haha I thought the same thing. awesome

that was my first thought too haha :)

monkeyz0r 0

heyy i was gonna say that :D haha

I was literally going to say the same thing!!!! Oh Male Model of the Year....hahahaha

carrot89 0

LOL, I can picture Mugatu (Will Ferrell) saying, "Hansel... so hot right now..."

I was totally just thinking the same thing. Look who pulled a Zoolander!

I definitely thought the same exact thing (: I wonder if she walked home dramatically in the rain and all that ;)

happygoluckyhh 0

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Acceptance speech for a school prize giving? it's not an Oscar.

Seriously. This is stupid on so many levels.

EmmieIvanovich 0

Depending on the event, some of our awards ceremonies have acceptance speeches. At the senior superlatives, they run it like it's the oscars (red carpet, statues, etc.) and the running joke is that the "most talkative" award the person's speech goes on forever about nothing. So don't be so quick to call bs.

LeedsFML 0

I am from England, as is the OP. Yes... Prize-giving is VERY commonplace. Awards for excellence... Nevermind, OP. I bet it was only a Parker Pen anyway. FYL... It was probably blue ink too. Keep smiling. Maybe next, eh? ;o))

BladeYouStain 0

...except it's a prize giving, not an awards ceremony.

miss_mojo 2
LuckyCharms_fml 0

First thing most people learn: Their own name.

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