By Anonymous - 23/08/2017 20:00

Today, I'm a counselor at summer camp. I don't know how to tell the 12-year-old girl in my cabin that I can hear porn playing through her headphones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 343
You deserved it 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't say it's **** but comment that you can hear something. "Hey I can hear the music you're listening too. You should turn it down to a safe level" or "Hey that tv show sounds pretty loud. Can you turn it downa few notches?" It's all about the plausible deniability.

Why beat around the bush? (see what I did there?). Just say, 'Hey, I can hear that!' She'll likely be embarrassed enough, it won't happen again.


Don't say it's **** but comment that you can hear something. "Hey I can hear the music you're listening too. You should turn it down to a safe level" or "Hey that tv show sounds pretty loud. Can you turn it downa few notches?" It's all about the plausible deniability.

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I'm pretty sure if it's happening in a GIRL's cabin, then OP is a girl. Girls can't exactly "rub one out."

anAmericanGuy50505 6

Pretty sure that's exactly what happens...

Actually, the first time I heard the term, a girl was telling me she was going to do just that. Turns out, I’m pretty good at phone sex.

mimimomomo 5

Except that the OP is probably much older than the 12 year old girl, so your suggestion is a form of sexual abuse....

mimimomomo, My suggestion is clearly absurd. You need to lighten up.

Why beat around the bush? (see what I did there?). Just say, 'Hey, I can hear that!' She'll likely be embarrassed enough, it won't happen again.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

How about "Hey I can hear that you're watching ****..."

gobiteme2 34

It works really well if you move your lips, sounds will come out just for them into words.

I tried that, the only sounds that came out were of me opening and closing my mouth. Help?

It's called being the responsible adult. It's What you were hired for.

Jesus. just tell her. You're supposed to be in charge and that's not appropriate

Take her devices away, call her parents

Oh, yeah, that will have a lasting effect aside from making her resent adults. Did it occur to you that if she's watching **** it COULD be because her parents aren't exactly stellar examples of humanity? If she's only watching it, then it isn't going to do her any major damage unless her life is so devoid of meaningful input from other people that she develops an addiction.

its nice to blame the parents, but, has it occurred to you that she just might be a sexual deviant? sometimes things aren't as deep rooted as you assume theyvare... just saying

In the US, at least, it is illegal for minors to view or be in possession of pornography. By not putting a stop to this, either by confiscating the device or telling a superior or the girl's parents, OP could be opening herself and the camp to legal or liability issues, not to mention complaints from the parents of other children who might also be hearing or seeing it. And while there may be nothing necessarily harmful in the girl watching **** (it could just be innocent curiosity), aggressive or unusual preoccupation with sex/pornography at that age could be an indicator of abuse or that the child is being groomed. OP either needs to find a tactful way to talk to the girl or being this to the attention of a superior in the camp. At the very least, it is highly inappropriate.

Lobby_Bee 17

To be fair, **** sometimes do make good comedies.