I'm watching you

By tappedants - 08/12/2023 23:00 - United States - Sugar Land

Today, my husband has a biker chick Facebook friend and this morning he posted on her page, calling her "the prettiest girl at the barn dance." She's a "friend" of mine as well, so I saw it in my feed. I asked him WTH? He got mad at me, accused me of spying on him, and now won't speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 653
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dongdong xiang 10

I’ve been in this scenario before. He reacted the same way when I called him out on it saying “It’s just social media.” Well, “It’s Just Social Media” turned into him visiting her apartment at 2am and not coming home all night then catching them red handed at a club. RUN don’t look back.

Stampy tantrums when they're caught clearly flirting with another person is the cue to reassess your relationship.


dongdong xiang 10

I’ve been in this scenario before. He reacted the same way when I called him out on it saying “It’s just social media.” Well, “It’s Just Social Media” turned into him visiting her apartment at 2am and not coming home all night then catching them red handed at a club. RUN don’t look back.

drewbreezy 2

it’s okay, do this to a mutual friend of yours that is a guy. see how he likes it. if he doesn’t care then he is cheating or in the process of pursuing

Stampy tantrums when they're caught clearly flirting with another person is the cue to reassess your relationship.

To be fair, it's not necessarily her fault if he hits on her. Stay friends with her unless you see her flirting back.