In shape

By emmy - 01/04/2021 14:01

Today, even after months of vigorous exercise and diet in an attempt to gain muscle, I have not gained any muscle. Instead, my body is putting fat into the one part of my body I can’t work out: my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 879
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

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fat loss and gain is mostly due to diet. either you've been eating more, or the rest of your body has slimmed down faster making your face look fatter. also don't listen to the comment saying wieght lifting burns more than cardio that is not true. do both, cardio will burn more calories per session so 30 mins of jogging will burn more cals than 30 mins of wieght lifting. wieght lifting builds more muscle which increases your base metabolism, this helps you burn fat when you're not working out. keep in mind it depends on how much muscle you actually put on and cardio also bulds muscle

HokieJ 10

I use a Jawzrsize for face toning. It can look a little ridiculous and most people thought it was a joke but it works! I typically do it in the shower. Hopefully, you can start gaining the muscle you are hoping for and slim down your face!


scruffymankillem 1

if you've been focusing on cardio you have to start gearing toward weightlifting, weights and building muscle is far more effective at burning fat, but also you'll hit a plateau when trying to build larger muscles if you aren't doing enough cardio . it's all about duality 🤘

Taking a corticosteroids? I hear you on the difficulty of gaining muscle and the frustration of moon face!

fat loss and gain is mostly due to diet. either you've been eating more, or the rest of your body has slimmed down faster making your face look fatter. also don't listen to the comment saying wieght lifting burns more than cardio that is not true. do both, cardio will burn more calories per session so 30 mins of jogging will burn more cals than 30 mins of wieght lifting. wieght lifting builds more muscle which increases your base metabolism, this helps you burn fat when you're not working out. keep in mind it depends on how much muscle you actually put on and cardio also bulds muscle

HokieJ 10

I use a Jawzrsize for face toning. It can look a little ridiculous and most people thought it was a joke but it works! I typically do it in the shower. Hopefully, you can start gaining the muscle you are hoping for and slim down your face!

OP_af 1

If you exercise and it isn’t weight lifting of some sort, and the right kind, you’re not going to put on any muscle. 3-6sets 6-12reps 2-3min recovery moderate to explosive tempo and 3-4exercises per muscle group. Compound movements towards beginning of workout, isolated towards end. The lower the repetitions, the higher the rest. With that, you have a caloric intake that needs to be satisfied and exceeded but not by a large margin. So look at the quality and quantity of food you’re consuming too. Slap on some 20-30min easy cardio (Heart Rate zone 3-4) on the tail end of your workout and you’re money. also has a plethora of information you can dig into.

OP_af 1

If you exercise and it isn’t weight lifting of some sort, and the right kind, you’re not going to put on any muscle. 3-6sets, 6-12reps, 2-3min recovery, moderate to explosive tempo, 3-4exercises per muscle group. Compound movements towards beginning of workout, isolated towards end. The lower the repetitions, the higher the rest. With that, you have a caloric intake that needs to be satisfied and exceeded but not by a large margin. So look at the quality and quantity of food you’re consuming too. Slap on some 20-30min easy cardio (Heart Rate zone 3-4) on the tail end of your workout and you’re money. also has a plethora of information you can dig into.

BlackSmurf 3

Some advice. Aerobic exercises are good for losing weight. Weight lifting and exercises like push ups, sit ups are for muscle gain and raising endurance. Another difference: if you want to lose fat try higher intensity despite the fact that you’ll do less overall. By exhausting the muscle faster it will need to produce more energy so it will do anaerobic glycolysis Which means using more glucose faster(it’s Not an efficient use of glucose) and for the body to get back the glucose it will burn fat. It’s a little more complicated than this, but to get the gist of it. Diet is very important, less carbs and fat more proteins. Without at least a little control it will be much harder. Also in a study I read it was proven that to burn more fat it’s best to exercise at noon and before exercising (around 30 mins) drink a strong coffe. 15% more fat burnt by exercising in the noon than in the morning or evening, and ~25% more fat burn by drinking coffe. Also it will raise your endurance. You can search on pubmed for further details. Good Luck!

BlackSmurf 3

Some advice. Aerobic exercises are good for losing weight. Weight lifting and exercises like push ups, sit ups are for muscle gain and raising endurance. Another difference: if you want to lose fat try higher intensity despite the fact that you’ll do less overall. By exhausting the muscle faster it will need to produce more energy so it will do anaerobic glycolysis Which means using more glucose faster(it’s Not an efficient use of glucose) and for the body to get back the glucose it will burn fat. It’s a little more complicated than this, but to get the gist of it. Diet is very important, less carbs and fat more proteins. Without at least a little control it will be much harder. Also in a study I read it was proven that to burn more fat it’s best to exercise at noon and before exercising (around 30 mins) drink a strong coffe. 15% more fat burnt by exercising in the noon than in the morning or evening, and ~25% more fat burn by drinking coffe. Also it will raise your endurance. You can search on pubmed for further details. Good Luck!