
By damnit - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I got my first tattoo. It's a large broadsword which runs the length of my spine. I went home to show it off, only to learn that the hilt on my neck looks just like a penis when the rest of it is covered with my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 939
You deserved it 64 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MaddogTotten 0

Haha, penis. You really should make sure that nothing you permanently attach to your body looks in any way like a penis, in any context. Sorry but YDI.


 # 24 idk if u noticed but 98% of comments on are stupid

tattoos, for the most part are a stupid affectation of losers who wish they were cool, but, aren't. same for piercings. now there are some people out there for whom tatts and piercings are a complement to their personality and are appropriate. those people are few and far between.

monnanon 13

I have to disagree with you, most people who get tattoos and piercings get them because they want to. There are certain tattoos and piercings that become fads but most people I know with tattoos or piercings got them because they genuinly wanted one not because "all their friends had one"

For the most part, I agree with you 61. But where I'm from, ALL of the teenaged girls HAVE to have little nose piercings or they aren't cool.

I sort of agree with you but mostly not. People who get tribal tattoos, Chinese words (unless they actually mean something to said person, then I dont have an issue with it) or any tramp stamp are the ones that suck. My tattoo means something to me, I put 9 years of thought into it and its somewhere I can cover it up for work or whatever, I didnt do it to fit in, I did it for myself. It also doesnt look dirty like OPs... :P

Julietiloveyou 0

I'm sooo sorry, that must be imberssing. Look he has a penis on his back! Is it altleast big? jkkkkk lol

netbeui435 3

See now, this is why my tat is small. And on my front. And absolutely nothing like genitalia. But yeah, FYL.

girlskill 0

I googled broadsword, and if the tattoo is anything like this picture, you're ******. It definitely looks like a peen.

:D you found that sword in site called "elfwood"?! :D The tattoo not just looks like a penis, but its an elf's sword :D I think the only thing OP can do is tatoo all his back with an elfland (or elfwood wit all elfs etc.) and pray every day never get into a prison. And, of course, i think fml is fake, because tattoos on bones are the most painful, really not suitable for the first one.

lesb_lv, that doesn't mean that people don't do it. My first tattoo was all over my hipbones, and my second tattoo was up my ribs. My third was the first one I got done on an area that wasn't bony.

you have a crosshatched shaft and a flattened bellend?

shadexilmaendu 4

Hahaha, my first tattoo was my chest piece and I have very little extra meat there... Get a more painful one first then the following tattoos don't seem so bad. ;p ankle was ridiculously easy.

MiaFleur 0

You kind of deserve it. Growing your hair should cover it.

You kids and your crazy tattoos. lol I can totally see it. People walking by "Wtf? What is tha---oh good God!"