
By Anonymous - 28/09/2022 21:30

Today, after my wife said I could decide what to do with our spare room, I decided to make a home gym. She hasn't stopped ranting about "patriarchal diet culture" and "unrealistic body expectations" since. I just wanted to get fit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 119
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Solution: put on a noticeable amount of muscle. She'll find it hot. Then when it's time for love, really give it to her because fitness improves performance in the bedroom. It may possibly make her more interested in working out and getting fit too. Or simply ignore it and get fit.

You didn't just want to get fit. You want to get fit so you can fat-shame her and tilt the power dynamic to favor you. You can't fool me, you patriarchal prick!


You didn't just want to get fit. You want to get fit so you can fat-shame her and tilt the power dynamic to favor you. You can't fool me, you patriarchal prick!

Solution: put on a noticeable amount of muscle. She'll find it hot. Then when it's time for love, really give it to her because fitness improves performance in the bedroom. It may possibly make her more interested in working out and getting fit too. Or simply ignore it and get fit.

I'm confused how you managed to get married without realizing that women often won't say what they actually mean, and also often are just laying traps/test when they give you "options" Is this an arranged marriage sort of thing?