Is it magical?

By Patricia - 20/10/2022 12:00

Today, I found out that the guy I slept with on our first date and bailed on me the next day is dating a friend of mine. In fact, they’re still together after sleeping together on the first date. Nice to know my vagina couldn’t make him stay with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 461
You deserved it 1 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slhiggx 17

Nobody has a say in what two consenting adults do. Why are you targeting OP, anyway? The guy did it too.


slhiggx 17

Your friend probably upped the ante by adding mouth and anus. To keep a fella, you have to go "all-in" these days, so to speak.

McCheese09 11

She probably checked his oil for him.

Jon Tessler 14

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Nobody has a say in what two consenting adults do. Why are you targeting OP, anyway? The guy did it too.

Sonotsuave 35

So, I’m not crazy proud of it but I slept with my now boyfriend on the third date two years ago and we are going strong. He’s three years older than me and has had like 7 partners before me, but I stayed a virgin until 26 when I met him. Yes it was early on in hindsight but it just felt right. All this is to say that sometimes when people find a partner they’re compatible with in all ways, not just sexually, it works out for them. It doesn’t have anything to do with you or your body per se, and people’s lowers aren’t the sole key to “making someone stay,” per se. It’s usually about a meaningful connection