It hurts

By postop - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Far Rockaway

Today, I woke up to my mother telling me to sit up and get dressed because we had to go before it was too late. I had just woken up from surgery. She didn't want to be stuck in traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 318
You deserved it 2 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf did she expect? You to get ready after surgery fyl op, some people can be idiots

From how bad your mother sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the reason you were in surgery in the first place...


To be fair, if you were unable to sit up and be seen in the car, it would have prevented her from accessing the carpool lanes

I think the doctor has to release you first. Silly mom.

What a horrible mother!! I would sit in 10 hours of traffic for my child!!

"My child just had surgery and is probably weak and tired but who gives a crap."

ajs1987 15

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, OP.

You should've called the nurse in and told her this woman you don't know is bothering you.

Sounds like a day surgery. They generally hold you for a few hours after the procedure to make sure that you don't have an adverse reaction to the anesthesia. At least they did after I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed(had to be sedated). FYL indeed

Me too, but I was still very groggy. I had my mother steady me out the door as I was dizzy. At least removing impacted wisdom teeth is quick--it's the recovery time that can be prolonged.

I could understand if there was a big emergency but traffic? That's low. My condolences op