It's all too much

By Anonymous - 25/07/2022 04:00

Today, after my boyfriend dumped me, my job cut my hours, and my toddler got an ear infection, all I wanted was a takeaway after I finally got her to sleep. I fell asleep too and never heard the doorbell, so they left my food by the door where rats got at it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 247
You deserved it 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems like feeding rats is the one thing you're good at. Just think, they are squirrels with ugly tails. Hey, you could befriend them like Willard and get revenge on everyone who has wronged you.


Seems like feeding rats is the one thing you're good at. Just think, they are squirrels with ugly tails. Hey, you could befriend them like Willard and get revenge on everyone who has wronged you.

olive oil and garlic, even powder will instantly take away ear pain, good luck!