It's not like riding a bike

By Anonymous - 06/05/2023 03:00

Today, I bought my very first car. My dad insisted on driving it, just to see how it handles, and drove it right off the bridge near our house into our river because he hasn’t driven anything in 15 years, which also means he has no insurance, at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 862
You deserved it 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you had insurance on it that covered any driver, as many policies do, you may be able to collect under…hmm, would uninsured motorist coverage cover this?

IantoJones_fml 28

Look for “occasional driver” in your coverage.


If you had insurance on it that covered any driver, as many policies do, you may be able to collect under…hmm, would uninsured motorist coverage cover this?

IantoJones_fml 28

Look for “occasional driver” in your coverage.

A submarine is a very practical and unique mode of transport!

In the US, in this situation, it's more important if you have insurance for your car. It also probably matters if you live in the same house as your father. As long as you have collision coverage on your car and your father had your permission to drive it, it should be covered. Unless you live in the same house and he's not listed on your policy. I'm not sure exactly what your insurance company would do in that case.

not if he doesn't have an up to date drivers license

Were you somehow not aware of this? Because I can't see your insurance company paying out if you let your dad drive, reluctantly or otherwise, if you knew he didn't have a license, and hadn't driven in 15 years. If that's the case, you'd better hope your dad has deep pockets.

OP, if he didn't have a driver's license, he shouldn't be NEAR the driver's seat of ANY car, especially yours. Remember Murphy's Law if anything of yours could POSSIBLY be at risk.

i once went 18 years without driving, still managed to stay on the road, your dad is an idiot XD

He hasn't driven in 15 years and has no insurance, yet you willingly let him drive your car? This is both a YDI and FYL.