It's raining cats and dogs

By Help me - 15/11/2022 06:00

Today, I'm gonna have to make the very difficult decision to ask my roommate to get rid of his dogs. They're not only the most disobedient little shits I've ever known, but they're also terrifying my cats. My oldest cat, who has always been pretty chill, quiet, and independent, is now vocal, clingy and nervous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 799
You deserved it 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should choose your roommate according to the pets they have? You can’t ask him to let go of his pets. You can search for a new roommate.


caraag 8

You’re definitely the problem lol

Maybe you should choose your roommate according to the pets they have? You can’t ask him to let go of his pets. You can search for a new roommate.

What do you expect him to do with them?

I mean, that sucks, but prepare to be given the whole "if I get rid of mine you have to get rid of yours" speech.

I have preferred my pets over a roommate. But then again I don't understand why you are overthinking it. Just ask and get a no.