Kinda disrespectful

By Ruined - 23/11/2023 02:30

Today, at my birthday party in an expensive sushi restaurant that I spent hundreds of dollars to reserve, my boyfriend of 3 years proposed… to my sister. She said yes. They’ve been secretly seeing each other for the past year. She just graduated high school this past summer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 887
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that sucks. Since they hijacked your birthday for his proposal, they can pay you back every penny you spent. If the family argue, cut the whole rotten lot of them out.

Wow... That is one of the most inconsiderate things I have ever heard. I am really sorry. On the plus side, you dodged an inconsiderate, spineless piece of shit.


Well that sucks. Since they hijacked your birthday for his proposal, they can pay you back every penny you spent. If the family argue, cut the whole rotten lot of them out.

Wow... That is one of the most inconsiderate things I have ever heard. I am really sorry. On the plus side, you dodged an inconsiderate, spineless piece of shit.

Wait... she's only just graduated high school, and they've been sneaking around for a year? My spidey-sense has red flagged a pedo.

This screams of him grooming your sister unless they are only afew years apart in age he's a Pedophile for sure 🤬

if it was me, they would be in serious pain right now. although orange is not a good look on me.... seriously though, take your sweet ass time and study up on some good revenge plans. maybe you can mess with their jobs without getting caught or something of the like.