Kinda sus

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend informed me that since he's doing a project with a girl in his class and carpooling with her in the morning, she'll be sleeping over at his house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 752
You deserved it 4 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a creative excuse! Still, it means you no longer have a boyfriend.

IScreamRawr 4

They will be doing more then the project.


TheDrifter 23

My only question is "did that line work?". if not I've gotta cross it off my list of excuses in waiting.

garza559 0

good excuse! education first!

denvan 0

Hope it's not an anatomy project

I was thinking the same... or a project on reproduction.... at the end of the day it boils down to what is acceptable in the relationship... in past relationships, I have stayed with female friends with whom I have even shared a bed with said friend (no exchanging of bodily fluids, I might add) and it not cause an issue.... if one party has an issue with it, it should be talked about calmly and rationally it would have been better on the boyfriend's part to ask if OP was uncomfortable with the idea rather than informing her of the decision made, but, if that is an example of the dynamic of the relationship, OP may want to consider finding herself a partner more considerate of her feelings

Love, today you made a post about your boyfriend, but another time today you made a post about you spray painting just got married on your car. I'm confused.

roydawgg 3
Griggy 0

He told you about the whole situation. Pull the stick out your ass and trust him.