Let 'em in

By Anonymous - 05/08/2023 16:00 - Sweden - Västerås

Today, it's been a little while since I found out that my parents are getting a divorce. They'd been married for 25 years and my father got bored and lost feelings. My mother is crying and howling on the bathroom floor right now. It has happened before, but since it was in our upstairs bathroom, I could open the door with a knife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 595
You deserved it 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't get the part about opening the door with a knife. You want to break in? Or out? And why?

Was it your poop knife? Just had to ask.


Was it your poop knife? Just had to ask.

I don't get the part about opening the door with a knife. You want to break in? Or out? And why?

While now you have to use an axe? How about bringing Mom's best friend to negociate?