Life's good

By Petergibbons - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized I'd rather be constipated, sick, sit in long traffic lines, and inadvertently eat spoiled meat than spend another day at my shitty job. All things that happened to me today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 319
You deserved it 2 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry if you ate spoiled meat you won't be constipated for long. Buy some nice soft tissue paper, treat yourself right.


mrbuddy 0

My job feels like that too. But I try to avoid traffic an spoiled meat.

See, I felt the same way you did, until I lost my job and was unemployed for 7 months. Be thankful for that job, shitty or not.

Yup. There are a lot of people that may feel the same way, OP. Sometimes life's a bitch, and it's not as common to meet someone who wouldn't rather laze-about rather than the converse, but at least you have a job.

Well, the spoiled meat will probably help with the constipation.

Petergibbons you must first think real hard at a job that you'll like and that makes you happy to go to work at, then go to university to reeducate yourself and get it (save up for uni or get out a bank loan). A lot of middle aged people are returning to school to get more degrees and apply for different type of jobs. If you stay in your current job then it'll be hell on earth for you. You'll be miserable and people around you would feel that misery as well, and being selfish like we all are, they'll probably ditch you.

dude I totally relate. sadly it's not A's easy to find a job right now as one would hope. good luck.

Jh5 0

They better be paying you good cause that sucks