Long time coming

By Anonymous - 14/04/2023 13:00

Today, it's been 14 years since at our wedding my now-husband lost the wedding ring, and we had to rush to buy another, which delayed the wedding and cost us our honeymoon flight and thousands of extra pounds. I just got his old suit out to dry clean. The missing ring was in its box, in his jacket. I'm going to kill him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 911
You deserved it 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jeebus ****. It’s been 14 years, and this is something you’re still angry about and are ready to kill your husband over? It should be hilarious by now, not a matter of life and death. For the love of God, just divorce him and set him free from the no-doubt miserable existence that being married to you must be.

Seems like you would have checked his pockets at some point on the wedding day? js


Jeebus ****. It’s been 14 years, and this is something you’re still angry about and are ready to kill your husband over? It should be hilarious by now, not a matter of life and death. For the love of God, just divorce him and set him free from the no-doubt miserable existence that being married to you must be.

TheF_inBest 6

As a wife to a wife… did you not realize when you said “I do” that you were going to be his new “mom” now… it says it in the fine print on your marriage license.

Seems like you would have checked his pockets at some point on the wedding day? js

Um... how did you not check that on the wedding day? And you're telling me that suit hasn't been touched for 14 years, and you're now going to dry clean it? Wha...And FYI, you could have gone to Walmart and gotten some cheap rings just to do the ceremony with so you wouldn't have to delay/miss anything. No one was going to see them from where they were sitting, anyway.