Manager of the year

By xmeatballx21 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received a phone call from my old boss asking me why I wasn't at work, to which I responded, "Because you fired me yesterday." He didn't say anything, and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 941
You deserved it 3 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no, sounds like you just fired yourself.

Show up tomorrow and if he asks why say it's because he hired you.


higgy6969 7

If OP really blew it, s/he would never have been fired.

jwing 0

it's probably the same person who got fired by text yesterday ending in "please take care!" maybe someone was pretending to fire you on his phone.

Boss' angry gf, who's jealous of OP. scandalous.

hahaha. I'm not alone. same shit happened to me.

perdix 29

Either he's got Alzheimer's or he just wants to rub it in that he canned your ass.

bahahahahahaha that's hilarious! I'm sorry about that though. Losing a job sucks, bad. Bigger better things coming your way, no doubt!

I think it goes... YOUUU BLEWWWW EEEEEEHHHHHT!! Happy Gilmore? can't remember... Billy maddison?