Martha Lucy Queen Jr.

By Teacher - 26/02/2017 04:00 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I asked students to identify a woman that made a difference in history. I got several people answering Martin Luther King Jr. These are 9th graders. FML
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Same thing different taste

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Would Coretta Scott King have been an okay answer? As the saying goes. "Behind every successful man is a great woman".

jcash52426 5

I didn't know MLKJ was transgender.


They are freshmen pal you should know by know that they don't listen

I've been here twice and I'm still trying to figure out what the hell you mean.

Freshmen don't listen. The second know should be now

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Rosa Parks and I'm not even American !

jcash52426 5

I didn't know MLKJ was transgender.

Would Coretta Scott King have been an okay answer? As the saying goes. "Behind every successful man is a great woman".

EnvyMe33 26

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RedPillSucks 31

I'm sorry, but what do you expect? Schools teach nothing about African Americans in history. this is despite the fact that there were blacks on Edison's team when he was inventing the light bulb and other things. there were blacks at Bells team when he was inventing the telephone. there are loads of pattents attributed to black scientists going back a 150 years (besides George Washington Carver)

lexyrebele 3

He never said it had to be a black woman though.

RedPillSucks 31

true, I was asuming it was a black history month thing, which is why the students responded with MLK. Schools don't teach anything about women in history either.

lexyrebele 3

As a ninth grader I would like to confirm that we aren't all this incompetent.