Mean girls

By oc_cheergirl - 06/04/2011 02:32 - United States

Today, I wore my cheerleading uniform to my boyfriend's house. He was a nerd in high school and mentioned a fantasy about hooking up with a cheerleader. I started acting sassy and a little mean, figuring he would enjoy a more realistic experience. Apparently not, because he started to cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 804
You deserved it 51 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I imagine that he was called names and such in high school, and when he he mentioned a cheerleader fantasy, I don't think he thought he'd be getting the stereotypical 1990s bitchface cheerleader stereotype.

Awww poor baby, hope you made it up to him.


You should have already known that cheerleaders bullied him in high school. Couples share that stuff.

he was a nerd? more like he still IS a nerd.

zebraface 15
kathii01 20

that's sad.... your dude totally has issues :'(

ydi for being mean, most guys want the innocent but secretly slutty cheerleader, not the bitchy one.

i can see where that idea comes from, since most guys tend to focus on sex in a relationship. I think that OP was only trying to do something for her boyfriend that she thought he would enjoy, but things didn't go as planned. Her intentions were good, but it wasn't something her boyfriend enjoyed.

cldean24 4

How exactly were you mean to him? Why would you act out a fantasy and be mean to your significant other? I can't imagine I would want someone to say or do mean things to me. I would probably get pissed off instead of crying, though.

Brittaneyyy 0

What's that suppose to mean?^^^

WTF is wrong with you people?! Did any of you think that MAYBE it triggered some really bad memories? While it could have been that she was being bitchy, did it ever cross your mind that maybe he was picked on and she reminded him of those really bad times? Seriously, memories can be really painful and can make even the best of men cry. if that weren't true husbands wouldn't cry at there son, daughter, and/or wife's funeral.