Mind your own business

By Anonymous - 31/03/2022 12:00

Today, according to a wild Karen, I shouldn’t be allowed to use a disabled bay because I don’t look disabled. I mean sure, I have a prosthetic leg, but I look "normal" so I’m not allowed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 316
You deserved it 75

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is she wrong? Cyborgs like you should be considered superhuman, not disabled. There was a great documentary series in the 1970s that chronicled the life of a Bionic Man. Surely, that tech is now widely available. So park in a normal space and stop some crimes, ok?

Habacadavarus 12

How dare you look normal, the nerve of some people attempting to have a normal life. The lesson here is that we should all look at how our selfish actions affect that Karen's life.


Is she wrong? Cyborgs like you should be considered superhuman, not disabled. There was a great documentary series in the 1970s that chronicled the life of a Bionic Man. Surely, that tech is now widely available. So park in a normal space and stop some crimes, ok?

Habacadavarus 12

How dare you look normal, the nerve of some people attempting to have a normal life. The lesson here is that we should all look at how our selfish actions affect that Karen's life.