
By Anonymous - 04/10/2020 04:02 - United States - Holmdel

Today, I went to a going away party for a coworker. I had brought weed for the party and at one point a guy asked me if I have a Grindr. I replied, "No, I don't use those dating apps. I do have a Fetlife but that's it, if you want it." He apparently meant a weed grinder. Most awkward 3 hours ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 566
You deserved it 1 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse. You could have said, "No, I have a hoagie, or we could get Subway to deliver."

*too In the US, sub* sandwiches are called hoagies or grinders in different regions. *submarine, not submissive, nor substitute.


Could have been worse. You could have said, "No, I have a hoagie, or we could get Subway to deliver."

Nolimets 12

*too In the US, sub* sandwiches are called hoagies or grinders in different regions. *submarine, not submissive, nor substitute.

Nolimets 12

You smoked to much weed didn’t you?

If they felt comfortable enough to share a Fetlife account with someone at an office party, drug-induced stupidity is a valid concern.