More context please !

By Anonymous - 23/10/2022 02:00

Today, my girlfriend tried to distract me from an argument I was winning by taking off her clothes for sex. Then she got mad when I told her to grow up and get dressed. By the way, the fight was over how she threw my mom's ashes in the trash, I don’t care if we never have sex again, I’m gonna win this argument. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 148
You deserved it 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ya know, you can press charges for that right? In Texas, a woman poured her boyfriend's mom's ashes in a river because he cheated on her. The charge is called abuse of a corpse. Even though it was wrong on the bf to cheat, that was an overreaction and she deserved to be punish. Your girlfriend deserves the same. How dare she try to divert the conversation with her body? I'd not only lose all sexual attraction, but I'd have to resist turning her into ashes. What a degenerate piece of shit.

And she's still your girlfriend because ...


You can win this. You'll just make an ash of yourself.

Ya know, you can press charges for that right? In Texas, a woman poured her boyfriend's mom's ashes in a river because he cheated on her. The charge is called abuse of a corpse. Even though it was wrong on the bf to cheat, that was an overreaction and she deserved to be punish. Your girlfriend deserves the same. How dare she try to divert the conversation with her body? I'd not only lose all sexual attraction, but I'd have to resist turning her into ashes. What a degenerate piece of shit.

Plot twist, the girlfriend is your right hand.

Listen. Buddy. Pal. Chum. You need to cut your losses and run. This is not what a significant other should be doing.

Let’s see here…she pitched your mom’s ashes and tried to get away with it by using sex? Dude, this is pretty ****** up right here.

it's time to put her ass out. that is unforgivable and can't be fixed.

dragonladiesfire 19

That's pretty ****** up. How dare she throw your mom's ashes away, argue about it like she has any right, and then try to seduce you? on another note, were you able to reclaim your mom's ashes? or did your ex-gf [hopefully ex] pour them out of what they were in?

Tisinlovewithme 2

nah you need to let that bitch go, throw her in the trash and leave that place