
By the_dog_sitter - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was walking my friend's dog around the neighborhood, I watched as a little girl fall off her bike. I let go of the dog and ran over to help. The girl was OK but the dog ran into the street and got hit by a truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 980
You deserved it 25 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goddamn, don't just leave the dog like that;/


How's the little bitch doing? Oh, and the dog? How's the dog?

a kid fell off a bike and you left a dog for this? I don't care if the kid died, never let go of a dog. I hope you get hit by a truck and so does the girl for being a retard who can't ride a bike. little kids are so worthless and always mess everything up

are you people serious? It was kid. A kid is more important than a dog on ANY day. Y'all are probably the assholes who want to use abortion for population control to save all the endangered species on this dump of a planet.

LOL whats wrong with you people? he left a DOG to help a LITTLE GIRL. I wish there were more people like him! were i live, the real world.. people are more important than dogs!! Your all idiots!! @64# the little girl, obviously @7# Your comment made me lol. Your dog died. big effing deal, its an animal. it died years ago. Your pathetic. @59# Youre an idiot. If my friend told me that that happen, i'd be upset.. maybe a little annoyed at first but then i'd be like.. its okay, i would of done the same thing You guys are all idiots. I hope no little girls fall of there bikes near you, as you apparently value dogs more than humans. I take comfort in the fact that you'll end up alone with 32 cats.

suckstobeyou3 0

if the girl was little enough to need help, where would her parents be? she was just riding in a busy street by herself? and FYL? the dog was the one hit.