My child is so hilarious!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while stocking shelves with canned goods, a kid no older than ten ran down the aisle, knocking down everything in his path. He was followed by his mother who was laughing hysterically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 451
You deserved it 2 813

Top comments

mintcar 9

Wow, bad parenting. Parents like that gall me to no end.

thesunsetglow_fml 8

Yet another person who should have taken themselves out of the gene pool.


mintcar 9

Wow, bad parenting. Parents like that gall me to no end.

skanksonaplane 0
brt3420 13
afroninjashuffle 0
skanksonaplane 0
penismightier 3
therealdavid 0

that'd be a win if you said 61 rather than 69, since there isn't a 69th comment that replied to this post ^:/

ifyouseekamy666 0
ters19 10

39-68 why the hell do we use numbers and by the way 100 stop stalking me

thesunsetglow_fml 8

Yet another person who should have taken themselves out of the gene pool.

Aah, I wish I'd been there, that must've looked hilarious. FYL though OP, since I'm guessing you're the one who had to clean it all.

Acousticpixie14 6

Not only is that atrocious parenting, but you should've said something "The customer is always right" only goes so far. When they're wreaking havoc in the store, you absolutely can tell them to knock it off or leave.

Esquire3230 2

not if your a ***-Mart employee you can't. trust me, I know lol. but yea. FYL OP I use to hate parents like that more than the kids.

rique2008 10

so which one was the mature one i wonder.....

You are totally right about that. A mother behaving like that, has a lot to learn how to be a person and mother.

kareninavontesse 1

Kid: Bahahahaha! Mother: Oh, you! Hee hee! OP: *knocks down kid* Clean up on aisle 6.

I'm pro-my kid, but then again she's polite and respectful, and she knows that Mrs. Bastard and I won't tolerate this kind of nonsense. Kids with no discipline are like wild dogs: they are destructive and crazy, but they can be tought to act nicely with a little discipline. Did your parents ever tell you (like mine told me) that when you act out in public, other parents look at you and think, "What awful parents!" It's true. We do.

My parents told me that she's I told my children that. They'll tell their children also. I say, if you don't have nothing nice to say then don't say anything. ;)

Those aluminum/tin cans really pack a wallop to the back of a human's skull. I can attest to that, my mother used beat me with a jumbo can of pinto beans.... Built character she said...

Doc, that patient of yours in your current profile picture happen to be KaySL?

horseracingjocey 0

I would kick that woman's A**!!! I can't stand parents who let their kids run wild!

...what? Because a kid knocks over crap, he is automaticly serial-killer elligible? Does that mean every single grown person on earth is a serial-killer? Guess I never got the memo?

Which should have been followed by a kick to the child's face. FYL for not teaching the kid a life lesson

MyMuffinsAreDead 0

that lesson is: if you knock over a can you get kicked in the face:)