New quest

By lilybelle11 - 03/11/2020 08:02 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, it became apparent that my boyfriend only showers when he levels up on World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 970
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you considered dating someone from the World of Men?

Well considering they just revamped the level system he must shower multiple times per day! super clean Boyfriend!


See if you can change the settings to make the easier.

If you know anyone who can change the settings to make WoW easier, pls let me know^^ There’s some Gear I need Upgrades to and some mounts I still haven’t gotten xD

I mean, WoW basically already did that - levelling is super fast and easy, because they know that's not the part people play for! Levelling up was sped up by something like 50% during the current expansion, and just got sped up a whole lot more with a massive overhaul, AND there's a double XP bonus currently. I'm not entirely sure OP means the exact thing they said, because if someone showered every time they levelled up, they'd be taking at least several showers per day, potentially several per hour.

coius 23

Heirlooms. In iron forge (alliance)or undercity (horde). With new shadow lands, varied amounts of a set gives you extra rested xp. I leveled from 1-50 on new “crunched” levels a character in a week with my wife. Heirloom armor helps. Need gold? Do tailoring and make 30 slot bags. Easy to get to as well on levels. My wife and i just unlocked the last of the allied races (alliance and horde alike) and its easier than ever to hit max level now. If on classic, well be prepared to go in dry (i’ve been a WoW head since the day it launched, i know the pains all too well). If anything, WoW is too easy. I played diablo II again just so I had a challenge. Even my wife (a non-serious gamer) finds WoW too easy now.

r 8

Ask him why he levels up so slow. Most people can get more than 1 level per day. So he sucks at World of Warcraft and hygiene.

Have you considered dating someone from the World of Men?

This sounds like he has a video game addiction and is probably very mentally immature

Well considering they just revamped the level system he must shower multiple times per day! super clean Boyfriend!

Levelling is pretty quick nowadays and has been for some time- he must be showering several times an hour in the early levels! Even in the later levels, it takes no more than a few hours to get a level- at launch of the last expansion, it took me under a week to get my main the 10 new levels available even without taking the fastest route, and they've made several changes that speed up the process since then. Also, most of WoW's popular content is after you reach max level. I'm not sure your FML makes much sense to be honest.

What if dude has played for ever and plays only 20 mins a day ? Then it could be like he rarely showers js

OrySoma 11

I feel bad for you when he hits the lvl cap and I bet at the start of the game he showered like 20 times a day lol

Every 10 minutes to an hour? Cause that's how long that takes.

r 8

Ask him why he levels up so slow. Most people can get more than 1 level per day. So he sucks at World of Warcraft and hygiene

r 8

Ask him why he levels up so slow. Most people can get more than 1 level per day. So he sucks at World of Warcraft and hygiene

tounces7 27

Eh, group with him and help him level faster I guess?