Nice of her

By Bill - 06/12/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, I was sitting on the couch with my 5 year-old on my lap. All of a sudden, she turned to me and said, "Daddy, I love your boobies. They're a good pillow." My own kid just called me fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 961
You deserved it 18 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids call it like they see it. If you want someone to lie to you, ask an adult.


blazingman311 1

I wish my boobies were good pillows.

That's sweet. They probably are nice to lay her head on.

lemonstars11 0

maybe you should be fat enough to have man breasts...

sammyakasamantha 0

omg thats so not a fml thats cute when i was little i would say silly syuff to my dad he would just laugh cuz i was little and i guess he thought it was cute

147somershire 0

hey there. now i obviously don't know if you are fat or not. kids can say very silly things. however, for both you and your kid i'd like to suggest losing weight if you are in fact overweight. there are many reasons as to how this could benefit you and your family. they are: 1. be heathy! losing weight would ultimately make you healthier (obviously) and yes, happier due to the release of endorfins through excersize, as well as a sense of accomplishment 2. time with your son! losing weight would lower your risk for common diseases related to obesity such as heart disease. therefore, you'd be benefitting your son (who it sounds like loves u very much) because you would live longer and he'd get to have you longer. 3. set an example! recognizing your weight problem will show your son that it's important to be healthy. and also, that you're willing to take on difficult tasks (losing weight can be incredibly difficult or incredibly simple) for the better good. 4. help others! by making healthier choices in your life, hopefully, and i urge you to do so, you will convince your family to make healthy choices too. weight can certainly be hereditary. but also it definitely does not hurt to eat more fruits and veggies and get more excersize. educate yourself and your family. it won't hurt to do so i guarantee it. make healthy choices into healthy habits. good luck!

Illinois_89 0

Unless you have muscular moobs!