No chance

By Anonymous - 21/02/2020 14:00

Today, my girlfriend of two years called me over late at night. I got excited, assuming she finally wanted sex. No, she just wanted me to make her mac and cheese and talk to her because she was ‘restless’. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 537
You deserved it 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kathryn13 17

Hate to break it to you but that’s what a relationship is. She shouldn’t have to put out every single time you get excited.

If you’ve been together for two years why is this a FMl? You’re supposed to enjoy spending time with your partner...


Charlie Coffman_1920149595 18

Sounds like she's got you pussy whipped without having to put out

E2dav 5

'pussy whipped'? No, they've been togetyer 2 yrs without sex...either they're really young or really religious

E2dav 5

'pussy whipped' is a bit much man. 2 yrs without sex? Either they're really young or really religious.

kathryn13 17

Hate to break it to you but that’s what a relationship is. She shouldn’t have to put out every single time you get excited.

tounces7 27

If it's been 2 years and there hasn't even been a FIRST time, that's hardly even considered a relationship. That's a friendship.

Emma Koski 17

Have you considered asexuals or people who want to wait until marriage?

kathryn13 17

Um. I’m in a relationship and we haven’t had sex yet. It’s been almost four years and we are both fine with it. Nice try though.

If you’ve been together for two years why is this a FMl? You’re supposed to enjoy spending time with your partner...

Kennethtaylor377 12

Honestly don’t take this for granted because she could be gone from your life at any given moment. Enjoy and cherish every second you have with her like it’s your last

WistayShlaio82 13

When she’s ready she will let you know. Maybe wait until she’s adult.

If you make the Mac and Cheese right, you'll get laid;)

Could probably stir that Mac and cheese with your rigid “spoon”...if only she wanted to fork...

A mac & cheese date sounds great. Hanging out with girlfriend, spending time together, is the best thing, you don't need sex to have fun. You should be great friends with your lover before becoming lovers, and also communication is key. Have you talked with her how you want to take the next step in your relationship and start having sex, is she even ready for that kind of thing? Express your desires in wanting to make love to her, and also having sex is not the same as making love together. Remember it's not all about you.

"finally " makes it sound like you have never had sex with her. If that's the case move on to someone else