Not funny, guys

By livgasms - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my family decided it would be hilarious to catch the biggest moths they could and let them loose in my room. I'm terrified of moths and they thought it would be "funny as hell" to watch me freak out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 266
You deserved it 5 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Use your shoe to smush the moth. Use the same shoe to smack the crap out of your family members.


GwarKitty 5

Your family is ohmazing. I love them.

astarazhna 1
Glitterhinoceros 14

That is when you release the spiders on them while they sleep.

Shafreeka 8

Is a phobia not, in it's definition, an irrational/unexplainable fear of something? I really am asking because I remember it from somewhere but not entirely sure, but I think so...doesn't necessarily mean much. LOL

XxDancerGirlxX 17

I agree that would be funny as hell to see someone thrashing around and screaming because of moths. However, if they were spiders being let loose, that's totally not cool.

Phobia: an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of an object or situation that poses little real danger.

Don't worry. You can get them back when they have to pay for your new therapy sessions because of your traumatic experience. In all seriousness, OP, I feel for you. My friends have done that to me before.

I totally understand what you must have felt like. Lepidopterophobia is a bitch, innit?

They're gonna eat your clothes & get in your closets...then you shall be haunted by moths everytime u open ur closet :O

They'll have to buy u all new clothes when those moths escape & get into ur closet!! Buahaha

itsbridgetbtch17 2