
By Iwtumn - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Austria - Deutschlandsberg

Today, a guy asked me for my number. Now I deeply regret giving it to him, because he won't stop sending me Bible quotes and pictures of Jesus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 459
You deserved it 7 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

r_bruce69 19

"No! No! God please no! no! no! noooooooooo!" -Michael scott


PrinceDarko 13

That's why phones come with a block option now ?

That's like Jehovah's witnesses (you know the ones that come to your door with brochures and things) version 2.0!

Funny you mention Jehovah witnesses, my buddy had an issue with them coming by. he cut out a picture of a guy's face from a constipation add and captioned it I praise Jebus. Problem solved lol

Why did you even give him your number?

Presumably she was interested in him and thought he was interested in her and wanted to start something. but then... Wait, he isn't interested! Bible surprise! There's a book in his hand! And God in his eye! ...god I really need to get half year old song out of my head.

Oh it's much worse when you see just how deep the rabbit hole goes and find out how many YEARS old thay song really is

Thou shalt not give thy number to strangers.

Personally, I enjoy debating theists. It's sad that I know more about what their holy books say than their cherry picked verses. Want him to stop? Just ask lots of questions and have science back you up with evidence and not just his faith.

Your non-belief doesn't come through superior intelligence. I don't usually generalize but a lot of atheists I know seem to believe this. It's actually really annoying.

Enslaved, I genuinely enjoy most of your comments. I'm a protestant. I'm not a scientist, but both my parents are and I enjoy learning about science very much. I don't know if you believe in the Big Bang, but if you do, will you please give your best shot at explaining where the particles that were expanded into the universe as we know it during the Big Bang came from. Because as we all know from the law of conservation of mass, it cannot be created or destroyed in a closed system. I have yet to find an atheist or anyone else able to explain this point to me in a scientifically convincing argument. And it is generally the point where they shirk away after calling me a religious nut.

Tthug: I suppose they also shirk away when you say "Oh but it's just a THEORY!" Seriously, if you really wanted to hear answers to your questions (aka long-answered fallacies), you'd do a simple Google search and start reading. Most people who get into these debates online are uneducated, on both sides. Everyone on this thread is an idiot. Especially me.

Wow, Shrike! still around? Tthug feel free to PM me and I'll direct you to get those questions answered. Just to know, I never discourage anyone to keep their religious beliefs sacred. It's only the ones that are in my face and telling me I'm going to burn in hell because I can't believe in what my rational mind won't trick me to think.

#52 - Just tell them the devil told you that he foresaw them burning in Hell along with you. That'll shut 'em up.

I don't have reason to believe in the devil either. :P Skeptical of all until-- proven.

Warning! #19's solution may only encourage him to research and rebuttal further, as arguments never wind up with one side convincing the other! Better to send him boob pictures (yours? ****'s? whoever's! the choice is yours!) and show him that his bible texts are going nowhere. Unless... this is what he wanted all along. Gasp! Well played, Jesus-freak. Well played.

I am not sure about existence of God, but I am sure we do not need to pray. Because if He's there, and if He's fair, He would not need our prayers to do good to us. And if He's unfair (which I really think), He would not need our prayers to do bad to us. I am not sure what category I belong to (atheist, anti-God, whatever), but there's no point praying, and trying to spread religion or publicize God.

Send him bible versus back. Try for ones that contradict the ones he sends you. Also send Jesus henti pics. He'll love it

PhantomFollower 20

The hentai might be a touch much, but the contradicting verses idea I love. XD

The ageless are at 666. Pretty sure that's saying something.

go to your local mobile carrier store and have their number blocked

And I was like oh Lord Jesus aint nobody got time for dat

brendejafulable 41