Olive branch

By Coco - 19/04/2016 20:58 - Denmark - ?lborg

Today, I invited my sister to my wedding. She's not coming, because I didn't reply to her email three years ago. The one she sent to my whole family saying that I was a dangerous psychopath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 313
You deserved it 1 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she didn't accept. She probably would've tried crashing it.

The ****? I don't know about dangerous, but I think she's a little bit of a psycho.


At least she didn't accept. She probably would've tried crashing it.

In order to "Crash" an event don't you have to be not invited to it in the first place? If you are invited than aren't you simply attending the event? You can be a bad guest but I don't think being a bad invited guest counts as crashing.

True, what I should probably rephrase my comment as is, "she probably would have tried ruining the wedding".

Yeah, by inviting her she'll probably think she's being spiteful by not going. If you didn't invite her, she might do it by turning up and ruining the wedding.

The ****? I don't know about dangerous, but I think she's a little bit of a psycho.

saxaddict122 14

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Oh no, I read it just fine. It's this sister that's a little psycho, not OP.

saxaddict122 14

Oh I gotcha, I thought you meant OP was a psycho when I read your comment, must have misread

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What the hell is that suppose to mean

I'm not sure how that makes it better. Actually, that would make it worse. Some families like to joke about that sort of thing (I don't know how many times I've been called weird by my family) but OP was obviously upset about it so I don't think that's the case here. Plus calling someone a "dangerous psychopath" is a lot more hurtful and less funny then calling then calling a family member weird, crazy or dumb. Besides, she was probably telling that to extended family and that kind of teasing is usually done just between immediate or very close family members.

rag97 6

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I was joking lol I'm just now seeing this... And I'm shocked. I keep forgetting sarcasm isn't expressed very well on the internet. My bad guys.

Not sure how you are a psychopath for getting married now. Good luck on the wedding OP! You don't need her there anyway.

Op never said anything about the sis calling her a psycho because of the wedding.

awildwhisper 30

Sadly some people don't deserve to be invited to see the special moments in our lives.

My meth addict sister accused me of being a "Muslim zombie terrorist" the last time I saw her because I refused to eat questionable looking turkey off of her wilted salad, you can't choose your family.

Maybe you should be thankful she isn't attending, she could do that again but with your spouse's family.

From what you've said, it's probably for the better that she's not coming.

You should formally I invite her then. With a card and everything. That'll show her. :D

Maybe she didn't want to come cause you're a dangerous psychopath