Overreaction time

By DayamyWuzHere - 24/11/2009 22:47 - United States

Today, some girl punched me in the face and left a huge purple bruise. Apparently, her boyfriend has been cheating on her with me, because she always sees him walking me home. Her boyfriend is my older brother, who didn't bother telling her who I was, because he "wanted to see what she would do." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 572
You deserved it 2 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you slapped that bitch into next week.

Your brother sure hasn't any family loyalty does he? A great brother would break up with a girlfriend who hit his sister.


maybe you shouldn't have been screwing her man.

Can't you read? Her man was OP's brother...dunno where you come from, but here we don't screw our family members.^^

kayPandastyle 15

i hope you punched the shit outta her back told her the dude was your brother then smacked the hell outta him for getting me punched in the face

Today I punched a girl in the face because I thought she was fooling around with my boyfriend (instead of confronting him about the strange girl he spent so much time with)... Turns out she was his sister and Im a ******' retard... FML xD LMFAO

Your brother's a jackass and his girlfriend's a dumbass. 1. He should've told her he had a sister and 2. She should've asked about it. She could have asked you or him about it instead of resorting to mindless violence.

Once your brother's gf know you are his sister. You should tell her that your brother have many newly known sisters from time to time.

The gf's an idiot for jumping to conclusions. Why would she automatically assume your brother's cheating on her when she sees him walking with another girl? She obviously doesn't trust your brother at all, or is just paranoid, otherwise the possibility that you were family would have crossed her mind pretty quickly.

ithappens123 0

Hahaha I would have knocked the girl out, There is this kid who like lives at my house he is like a big brother my brothers like bestfriend and he is totally gross to me, yea well I was sitting with him at a Volleyball game and the next day his girlfriend starts flipping out on my in school I was like WTF! do you know who I am? hahah it was pretty funny when she realized it.

lizzyhotlips 0

this sucks but oh well get over it shit happens... if u didn't do anything about it then, then there's nothing u can do about it now.

WHAT AN ASSHOLE! I hope u beat him n then beat the girl for hitting u.. they both deserve ass kickings.. some brother he is. he suppose to protect u frm stupid people. assholes these days

RebeccaWvvv 0

Ydi for being a dumb bitch and not fighting back.

KikiCarroll 0

To jealous gf: Why would you think he's cheating with the girl he walks home in the first place? if he's ******* someone, he deinately wouldn't be that open about it. it's way too easy.