Parental disapproval

By Anonymous - 31/10/2023 16:00

Today, my daughter gave me the “but daddy I love him” speech when she turned up to a family event with her boyfriend, who was at least 20 years older than her, was visibly intoxicated, stank of body odour and cigarettes, then tried to flirt with my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 447
You deserved it 68

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell her to become a cop since they both chase the same type of men. But if he comes around and makes a pass at your wife then he is fair game for ending up on the curb with a few boot prints in various parts of his body. And if he even once physically hurts her, you will gladly apply lead to his person until that deficiency is cured.

Yikes. My reaction to this escalated so quickly while reading it. From, “Okay, well that's a little much, but not so bad,” to, “Oh god...ugh...oh my god!” Assuming this isn't just a troll, because this does sound almost too bad to be real. To a little bit of personal depression at the knowledge that I can't find anyone myself, and Scumbob Stinkpits here can hook up with someone half his age (not that that's desirable) who he doesn't even appreciate. Like I could write an FML about reading this FML, right? I'm sure you realize you're in a tricky situation, here. She's clearly made a horrible decision, but she's not going to be receptive to hearing it, and if you're too persistent or intense about expressing it, it'll only make her more defiant about it, and risk her being resentful of you. I think the best you can do, is make it clear that you recognize that she's an adult and respect her right to make her own decisions, but express your concerns. Something like, “I know you probably don't want to hear it, I can't make you believe it, and in the end, you can do what you want, and I will respect your decision. But you're telling me that you're in love with an apparent drunk with abysmal hygiene who's twice your age, and who seems to care so little about you that he's hitting on your mother. You have to understand that it's like I'm watching you gleefully step into the road in front of a bus.” And be ready to protect her, in case he becomes abusive, because it sounds, obviously, like a real possibility, here.


tell her to become a cop since they both chase the same type of men. But if he comes around and makes a pass at your wife then he is fair game for ending up on the curb with a few boot prints in various parts of his body. And if he even once physically hurts her, you will gladly apply lead to his person until that deficiency is cured.

Yikes. My reaction to this escalated so quickly while reading it. From, “Okay, well that's a little much, but not so bad,” to, “Oh god...ugh...oh my god!” Assuming this isn't just a troll, because this does sound almost too bad to be real. To a little bit of personal depression at the knowledge that I can't find anyone myself, and Scumbob Stinkpits here can hook up with someone half his age (not that that's desirable) who he doesn't even appreciate. Like I could write an FML about reading this FML, right? I'm sure you realize you're in a tricky situation, here. She's clearly made a horrible decision, but she's not going to be receptive to hearing it, and if you're too persistent or intense about expressing it, it'll only make her more defiant about it, and risk her being resentful of you. I think the best you can do, is make it clear that you recognize that she's an adult and respect her right to make her own decisions, but express your concerns. Something like, “I know you probably don't want to hear it, I can't make you believe it, and in the end, you can do what you want, and I will respect your decision. But you're telling me that you're in love with an apparent drunk with abysmal hygiene who's twice your age, and who seems to care so little about you that he's hitting on your mother. You have to understand that it's like I'm watching you gleefully step into the road in front of a bus.” And be ready to protect her, in case he becomes abusive, because it sounds, obviously, like a real possibility, here.