
By stargate25 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Denver

Today, my wife sent me a Google Calendar reminder for "sex". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 222
You deserved it 11 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for making her reach the point where she has to schedule herself into your calender and send you reminders.

Be happy your actually having sex OP, Some of us aren't as lucky.


Thats only after he missed the calendar alert for foreplay.

Wiringify 22

Plot twist : sex with somebody else.

iAmPaul 49

"Woe is me, my wife wants to have sex with me." - OP

Oh fyl so much, your wife wants to have sex with you. Fyl hard >_> *sarcasm*

TallMist 32

What if OP doesn't WANT sex, though? If this was a one time thing, if OP's wife doesn't nag him for sex, then this wouldn't be an FML, but, because it is, I'm willing to believe OP's wife is constantly trying to get him to have sex with her, which I'd find annoying too.

Next time, tell her to make the reminders hilarious. "Let's make a baby" or "I'm getting what's mine."

Well not the most romantic and sexy way but hopefully it worked.

ezrajab 22

Damn that sucks YDI tho. Always no matter how busy your life gets always give your significant other time!

That sucks, maybe watch a little less SG-1 and pay a little more attention to wifey. Idk, pretend she's Sam and you're Jack? ;p