Poor little guy

By Almost neutered - 28/11/2022 00:00

Today, my cat wouldn't stop attacking the strings on my pants, and I couldn't get him to stop. However, he did finally stop when he missed the strings and grabbed me by the dick, because I accidentally kicked him across the room when he did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 754
You deserved it 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Trying to picture you kicking something attached to your dick. Having a little trouble. Sounds like you were too lol


Marcella1016 31

Trying to picture you kicking something attached to your dick. Having a little trouble. Sounds like you were too lol

For more insight, read the book "In The Tiger Cage" by Claude Balls.

Obvious humblebrag about the size of his dick.