Poor old Raymond…

By LJ. - 13/03/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, my mother finally had her beloved Siamese cat cremated. The cat has been dead for over a week and she has been keeping it on her bed, stroking its fur and saying, "She looks like she's sleeping" and "She's so cold." To top it all off, she's been calling me by the cat's name for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 427
You deserved it 4 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ewww. I remember moderating this one, I pressed yes to see what people would comment. Lol, that's soooo creepy.


Ewww. I remember moderating this one, I pressed yes to see what people would comment. Lol, that's soooo creepy.

You don't have the "I moderated this" badge...

liquifiednate 21

#170 this comment was made long before badges were a thing in fml. That's why the commenter doesn't have the badge for it

ewww... what's wrong with your mother???

wow.........sounds like your mother needs serious help...

...no comment. that's just...disturbing. Well, look at the silver lining...the cat's in a better place now...something tells me your mother was probably a wicked crazy owner?

C94Slim 7

No comment?..... Yet... You commented? Hmm idk if you thought that out so well. Gj

That's really bizarre. Sounds like she loves it more than she loves you =/

Who knows? Maybe if OP dies before she does, her mom may do the same thing?

i seriously doubt the validity of this claim