
By Anonymous - 22/08/2022 04:00

Today, I was getting ready to go pick up a few things for much-needed projects around the house, when I heard my husband yelling from the basement. The lawnmower had kicked a rock through the expensive sliding glass door we just finished paying off. The rattling refrigerator may have to wait. FML
I agree, your life sucks 914
You deserved it 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or they could simply board the broken glass door and replace the fridge. Sleep, as food, is important.


Does the fridge still keep the food cold? As long as it does that, it can sound like a whole drum section and it won't be replaced!

Or they could simply board the broken glass door and replace the fridge. Sleep, as food, is important.

Should’ve gone with Champion! They replace broken windows for free for life.