
By Anonymous - 21/09/2023 15:00

Today, thanks to my son leaving his sharpened colouring pencils all over the sofa before I sat down, I had to go to hospital with a deep hole poked in my left testicle. I always suspected he didn’t want younger siblings but this is going too far. FML
I agree, your life sucks 515
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahh, the fun times of getting injured by your offspring...

xllabraxasllx 19

Is it just me, or doesn’t everyone — typically unconsciously — decide to look where they’re about to sit before they sit down? I think I’m safe in saying that’s on you OP. YDI


Ahh, the fun times of getting injured by your offspring...

xllabraxasllx 19

Is it just me, or doesn’t everyone — typically unconsciously — decide to look where they’re about to sit before they sit down? I think I’m safe in saying that’s on you OP. YDI